Daniel Lindmark, ”Sanningen ska göra er fria: Kyrkan, samerna och historien”, i Lars. Söderholm, Henrik Friberg-Fernros, Erik Lundgren & Hanna Stenström (red 


Henrik Friberg-Fernros and Johan Karlsson Schaffer. Political Studies 2014 62: 1_suppl, 99-116 Download Citation. If you have the appropriate software installed, you can download article citation data to the citation manager of your choice.

Call this the time relative interests reply. Second, he argues that because most spontaneous abor­ Henrik Friberg Fernros According to the two-tragedies argument proponents of pro-life can justifiably prioritize efforts to prevent abortion rather than miscarriages due to the fact that abortions Henrik Friberg-Fernros forskningsområden rör humanitära interventioner, bioetik, politik och religion samt deliberativ demokratiteori. I forskningen om humanitära interventioner har han undersökt förutsättningarna att implementera den norm i det internationella systemet som brukar kallas ”skyldigheten att skydda”. Proponents of the substance view contend that abortion is seriously morally wrong because it is killing something with the same inherent value and right to life as you or I. Rob Lovering offers two innovative criticisms of the anti-abortion position taken by the substance view - the rescue argument and the problem of spontaneous abortion. Henrik Friberg-Fernros offers an interesting response Henrik Friberg-Fernros - 2018 - Bioethics 32 (6):388-394. Abortion, Metaphysics and Morality: A Review of Francis Beckwith's Defending Life: A Moral and Legal Case Against Abortion Choice.

Henrik friberg-fernros

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First Online: 20 July 2017. 277 Downloads; Abstract. I begin this chapter by describing the value at stake when abortion laws are made more restrictive: the reproductive freedom of women. Therefore, it is morally risky not only to permit but also to restrict abortion. av Douglas Brommesson, Henrik Friberg-Fernros (1 röst) Häftad Svenska, 2013-08-09.

Bortom den sekulära staten: Religion  Daniel Lindmark, ”Sanningen ska göra er fria: Kyrkan, samerna och historien”, i Lars.

Henrik Friberg-Fernros som är docent vid Göteborgs universitet har med sin kollega Elina Lindgren specialgranskat den svenska abortopinionen.

If you have the appropriate software installed, you can download article citation data to the citation manager of your choice. 2013-06-05 Henrik, Friberg Fernros and Brommesson, Douglas LU In International Politics 53 (2). Henrik Friberg-Fernros. Pages 55-93.

In a recent reply, Henrik Friberg-Fernros argues that the substance view can evade these problematic implications because of a distinction between killing and letting die. According to this argument, the fetus's right to life is a negative right not to be killed, not a positive right to be rescued, thus the anti-abortion theorist who lets fetuses die acts acceptably.

Undertitel religion och politik i en postsekulär tid; Medförfattare Friberg-Fernros, Henrik; DDC 322.1; SAB Cga; Upplaga 1; Utgiven 2013; Antal sidor 97; Storlek  Management and Economics, Henrik Friberg Fernros, Associate professor in Political Science Gothenburg University. Tid: Lördag 17 april,  Isak Svensson, Religion och konflikt: Några antaganden och empiriska reflektioner. Douglas Brommesson och Henrik Friberg-Fernros, Religion och konflikt I gränslandet till liv och död. Av: Henrik Friberg-Fernros ISBN: 9789189246331. Utgivningsår: 2008. Begagnad kurslitteratur - Maktens gränser  D Brommesson, H Friberg Fernros.

Henrik friberg-fernros

Brommesson, Douglas LU and Henrik, Friberg Fernros organization. Department of Political Science publishing date 2013 type Book/Report publication status published subject. Political Science; keywords pluralism, deliberativ, Ppostsekulär, sekulär, religion, politik pages 97 pages publisher Studentlitteratur AB ISBN 9789144075686 language Swedish CiteSeerX - Document Details (Isaac Councill, Lee Giles, Pradeep Teregowda): The most important change is probably the increased role of the individual … The increasing emphasis of the individual and his or her interests has meant that human rights and the demands for respect for the principles of a state governed by law have received an increasingly larger influence on international politics.1 Henrik Friberg-Fernros offers an interesting response to Lovering, but one I argue would be inconsistent with the anti-abortion stance taken by most substance view theorists Topics: Henrik Friberg-Fernros, Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Making a Case for Stricter Abortion Laws by Henrik Friberg-Fernros (Trade Cloth) at the best online prices at … Henrik Friberg 45 år. Skaraborgsgatan 9, 1103 54150 SKÖVDE. 070-297 38 2.
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If you have the appropriate software installed, you can download article citation data to the citation manager of your choice. 2013-06-05 Henrik, Friberg Fernros and Brommesson, Douglas LU In International Politics 53 (2). Henrik Friberg-Fernros.

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Works by Henrik Friberg-Fernros ( view other items matching `Henrik Friberg-Fernros`, view all matches)view other items matching `Henrik Friberg-Fernros`, view all matches). 12 found

Även Henrik Friberg-Fernros, som varit vice ordförande för ungdomsförbundet KDU och var med om att ta fram Kristdemokraternas principprogram 2000,  av D Braw — Gå tillbaka till artikeldetaljer Brommesson, Douglas & Friberg-Fernros, Henrik, 2013. Bortom den sekulära staten. Religion och politik i en postsekulär tid.